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[[underlined]] Bandon to Port Oxford [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] Oct. 19. [[/underlined]]. Took stage at 8 AM at Bandon and reached Port Oxford at 6 P.M. Stopped for dinner at Langlois.

The road keeps back 3 or 4 miles from the shore most of the way, through heavy woods, scrub pine growth, chaparral thickets, burns or clearings. It is all in the coast strip, with no ridges between the road & the shore. In a few gulchs protected by timber the maples and castonopsis and madrones  come in, but most of the way is either dense forest of hemlock, sitka spruce & douglas spruce & Port Oxford Cedar or else stunted forests of Pinus contorta & Picea [[?]] & Port Oxford Cedar. In places this dwarf forest is interspaced or gives place to a low thicket of Vaccineum ovatum, Myrica californica, Salal, Rhododendron and salmon berry. Along the streams the flats are originally covered with sitka willow & crab apple, but most of the flats have been cleared and are under cultivation, mainly in hay or pasture. Stock & dairying are the chief industries

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There are many orchards of apple and cherry trees, but they are not a success. The trees are gnarled and knotty & the fruit not half developed. Fruit, except berries cannot be raised in the coast strip. Back of the first ridges hardy apples do fairly well.

The coast climate is uniform. There has been no frost yet is very little in winter. Grass and corn and cabbage and potatoes are still green and growing and will keep on growing most of the winter without watering. Corn raised only fodder except some early summer varieties. At Marshfield Yucca & fan palms grow to tall trees out of doors. Passion flower vine is in blossom, Fushias & roses are in full bloom but potatoes are not yet ripe and cabbages do not head up readily. Still turnips and cabbages are the best vegetable crops. It is hard to find anything but dairying that pays in the coast strip.

Rained all night and by spells all day.