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^[[Through Issoudun & to the front ]]

^[[ pp. 236. 327 [[strikethrough]] 333 [[/strikethrough]] ]]

[[March 16 1967.  pp. 290 - 332
" 332 - 400 to [[Cyal Foty Registion Men?]]

[[image - logo, boxed words "LOOSE" AND "LEAF" separated by symbol I-P]]

No. 106 Size 7 1/4x4 1/4
[[image - red and black round seal containing logo described above and the words: Guaranteed Quality]]
Acknowledged the Best

The paper from which sheets bearing this seal are made is guaranteed pure white linen rag stock, the best material obtainable.

It will not discolor with age nor deteriorate in strength as will paper made from colored rags.

The writing surface is smooth and uniform.

The sheets are ruled, cut and punched with extreme care, and every package is rigidly inspected before leaving the factory. They are guaranteed absolutely perfect.

^[[ [[underlined]] pp 134- to 236 [[/underlined]] ]]

Transcription Notes:
IP might be International Paper Co.? Useful link for understanding diary information, names, places, etc: Provided by volunteer mandc