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LEFT GRANO APRIL 17, Colomber? [[upper right corner torn off]]

C.O. 47th Squadron April 24th 19 per S.O. 114 P.
Hq lst Air Squad Z of A

(Paris presentation ceremonies April [[strikethrough]]10-[[/strikethrough]] 11- [[underline]]12[[/underline]] -13) per SO 95 Par 10 Hq lst army April 5, 1919

Member Board of Examination for Sgts lst Class, M.S.Ed with Major Surbiru? and 2nd Lt. Holler. per S.O. 118 par 24 Hq lst Air Depot April 28, 1919.

MAY - S.O.#125 Par 15 Hq lst Air Depot
May 5, 1919: - Ass't O.I.C. Flying Field lst Air Depot in addition to other duties.

Preliminary Examination for Reg. Army at 2nd Cav. Hq. ?? S.O.S.AS. Col. Arthur Thayer 2nd Cav. President 
Lieut-Col. Joseph V. Kuznick, 2nd Cav. Lieut Col. Wm C. Stoll Inf. Recorder. Maj. Frank Van Doren M.C. & Captain Mathew H. Griswold, M.C. May 13, 1919

S.O. 136 Par. 20. Board of officers - Major V.I. Moncreiff, Capt. A.R. Brooks, Capt F.G. Kilgore, M.C. to investigate death of lst Lieut K.C. Tabler. ASUSA, and 2nd Lieut. L.E. Russell F.A. U.S.A. Hq lst Air Depot May 16, 1919.
[[double line]]

S.O. 142 Par 49 lst Air Depot May 22, 1919. Board of officers - Captain A.C. Brooks, lst Lt, Edwin Josland, Maj & G.M. Newell to investigate Sgt. James A Donaghy's death in Liberty 31168 at Chalittas