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[[left corner missing]]

145 Par 1 Hq lst Air Depot May
919 to ferry ^[[Fokker]] to Romorantin and
in by rail. May 25-27
[[double line]]
Relieved of 47th Command by S.O.
rs Par 2 Hq lst ASir Depot May 30, 1919
To report to C.A.S. Paris June 2 per
telegram #3450D May 29, 1919
Trip to Strasborg through Vosges May 31 to
June 1. ^[[Baker & Frierson]]
[[underline]] Paris June [[/underline]] 2. Orly June 3rd Assigned to Special 
Duty with C.A.S. per S.O. 153 Par 20 Hq lst A.D.
June 2, 1919
Assigned to A.A.A.P.#1, Orly June 3, 1919 per
Office memo #718 A.O.F. US Air Service Paris.
2 trips to Romorantin 13th & 14th from Orly
[[double line]]
Trip to Coblenz from Ramorantin June
8-19. Returned to Paris 21st left Coblenz 20th)
TRIP to Romo June 25th. Confirmed SO 179 p 37 HQ Paris ?? 28th June
Confirmatory orders for Coblenz trip. S.O. #171 Par 99
Hq. Dist of Paris AEF 20th June 1919, also S.O. #175 Par 80
" " " " [[dittos for Hq. Dist of Paris AEF ]] 24th June 1919.
" " " " " [[dittos for TRIP TO ROMO JUNE 30th]] confirmed per SO 193
par 8 Hq Dist of Paris 2nd July 1919
TRIP TO ROMO JULY 5th " [[ditto for July 1919]]