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1st Pursuit Jump Accident Investigation Affi[[torn paper]]
per S045 Par 1 Hq 1st P.G. Kelly Field Oct 22, 1[[torn paper]]
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Investigate all accidents to transportation on Kelly Field per S.O. 301 par. 6, Hq. A.S.F.S. Kelly Field Oct. 28, 1919.
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Member of board to act on land transferred by Gov't, back to owners. SO 303 Hq ASFS Kelly Field Oct. 30, 1919.
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Investigate all accidents to transportation of Kelly Field per S.O. 328 par 6, H.K.F. Texas Nov, 24, 1919.
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Member Board to determine fundamental allowances per Order #25 Nov.  O.D.A.S.O. Washington DC
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leave of 10 days granted per S.O. 342 per 1 Hq, Kelly Field Dec. 9, 1919.
left station  Dec 15th.
Telegram Hq. Kelly Field dated Dec 22, 1919 extended leave six days. Reported back Dec 31, 1919.
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Member of board to examine M Es, Sgts 1/c and AMS for 1st P.G. per S.O. 35 Par 3 Hq K.F. San Antonio Tex. Dec. 30, 1919.
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Motorcycle accident - to hospital Kelly Field Jan 2, 1929. General bruises - Back to Duty Jan 10, 1920.
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G.C.M. Board per S.O.#4 Par 17 Hq Southern Dept. Jan. 6, 1920
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Relieved of Pres. M.T.C. and Investigate Board per S.O. 13 par #2 Hq. K.F. Tex. Jan 16, 1920.