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The guard duty is a thing of the past.  While it [[strikethrough]] lasts [[/strikethrough]] lasted during the 24 hr. stretch from 10 A.M. to 10 A.M. I found out several things about army life and had plenty of time for reflections on all manner of subjects.  The shifts were of two hours duration with a rest period of four hours.  One might assume from this that the duty is not hard and that rest is really the correct designation of the off-duty time.  Not so!  The guard occupies two tents at the front of the statue and at those tents the men must remain or be on duty during their period.  Sleep is thus interrupted and with a cold night air chilling you thoroughly what chance is there for proper slumber?

We had 5 shifts or posts on different sections of the island.  In the daytime I kept visitors from the deadline between the