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earth seemed uneven at times with its patchwork colors with miniature buildings, ^[[Texas]] steers, and roads in relief; caused when I looked along the gap between the wings during a steep bank. The wind made a streamlined head of hair and [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] whistled and whistled - [[strikethrough]] yo [[/strikethrough]] it made me feel that there was a [[underline]] terrible [[/underline]] quantity of the only free article we can get. A rudder "bump" made the insides tend to rise as the aerofoils wobbled and tipped. With the engine shut off the pilot could shout and be heard. He let go the controls and allowed the thing to float along by itself. When you experience a continance of man existing by itself in the atmosphere you gain confidence - until you see the next crash. For later in the afternoon my beautiful C-366