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another person ^[[with you]] came into play.

Where I thought I was ten feet from terra firma I pulled back the stick and straightened out - the tail dropped back to horizontal and the machine still had speed to keep the heavy nose from diving. By all the rights I should have come down nicely, but a puff of wind made me "sideslip" a bit and instead of hitting head-on the wheels met the grass ^[[sideways]] [[strikethrough]] first [[/strikethrough]] and up we bounced. I could then have bounced a few times and landed well enough, but I was taking no unnecessary chances so I "gave her the gun" and up I went again. Wow!

Darkness was imminent and I could imagine the crowd at the hangar. They were all "with me", and in fact every blessed one of them was driving my machine during the whole trip. If I dipped, they nursed me up. If I climbed too quickly they cried, "whoa, boy" and pulled the tail up with imaginary controls. I would