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my fever of two nights before must mean something so I proceded to the hospital on further quest of trouble. I entered the office where two Doctors paid no attention whatever to me for perhaps ten minutes. Then one of them turned to me while I was conversing with a sargeant at a typewriter and with a baleful glance which he put on me after looking at the sheets before him he said, "You're due for another inoculation and vaccination." I got angry, just as every other person in camp has been over the fact that our records either were lost or neglected, and answered, "You've got me for vaccination because the doctors at Fort Wood didn't initial my "shot", but I've actually [[underline]] seen [[/underline]] my inoculation ^[[record]] and won't take any more typhoid. But, Sir, that isn't what I came here for. I want to know if I've got the measles!"

"Humph!" he grunted. And I stripped and