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about the hallway. Through a door one of the doctors glimpsed me but paid me no attention. I tried to satisfy my thirst at the water-cooler and found it empty. I went back to my belongings and sat down beside them.

After 15 minutes waiting the "old codger" who had sewed my head a month before, and who had pronounced sentence upon me half an hour before, and who didn't remember ever seeing me before, asked me between puffs on his cigar "what I was here for". I reminded him and he peremptorily had me assigned to a ward.

A ward! not a bare, cold, and lonely tent! I went with my guide in a more or less elated frame of mind. As I walked down between the double rows of beds in the narrow room a chorus of yells and cheers assailed me.

"Hooray, here's another one"