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sick and that sympathy with the sick man's moods that the women can practise so well. In base hospitals women nurses are in evidence, but not in posts such as this.

Furthering the Christmas spirit 3 members of the R.F.C. gave us an impromptu concert outside the ward door. The instruments they used were the cornet, violin, and piccolo. It was the first music I had heard in 7 weeks and I was almost moved to tears. The thing I noticed most in my feelings was that old time wriggling of my toes. That made me think of the good old days, and if ever I was lonely it was on this 1917 Christmas afternoon. I remembered particularly a year ago that I'd saved all my presents on my bed and opened them as tickled as a kid on Christmas morning. This year there were no presents but the cards I received from my friends did much to alleviate my loneliness.

I found my trouble and I chaff under it. But are one of the Westcott ^][[Frank in "Hepsey Burke I believe.)]] brothers philosophizing in one of their books says that even Hell would hold no horror, once you became used to it, and that's the way I feel about it. I'll be out [[underline]] sometime [[/underline]], and then if I can only get a spell of good weather and an aeroplane, I'll soon catch up  my lost time.