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robust constitution; a man evidently able to withstand many rigors. He was in Our Ward the day before Christmas; now he is dead!

Franchot came in the day after I did. He was not sick and his rash was slight. So he romped all over the place and seemed very healthy. The day before Christmas he had fever which developed into a higher and higher temperature. The ward master called the Lieutenant, who  in turn called the Captain who runs the hospital. Together they looked Franchot over and finally suggested that he be "given more fresh air".

I have said before that two days after I came in he was sweeping the floor. On his removal to out-of-doors he [[strikethrough]] disconsol [[/strikethrough]] disconsolately sat on the end of the bed, while they fixed his belonging, cursing his luck. We saw him go into the tent. The attendant who had charge of the out-tents seemed little or not at all impressed and paid slight attention to the proceedings.