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waste of the life of a healthy Cadet who had all the abilities of a clever aviator, and who was within a few weeks of completing his three or four months course? - It isn't for me to answer, but someone ought to be [[double underline]] made [[/double underline]] to answer in the Army Medical Corps!
Everything seems to go wrong in this place and ^[[there was]] another death among my friends yesterday (Davidson) who crashed and broke himself all up. And day before yesterday 3 were killed in this field, two being burned beyond recognition after the fall. What [[double underline]] is [[/double underline]] the matter?

The only redeeming feature is my reception of Christmas gifts from those up North whom I love and who love me. In such cases the brightness shines through the blackness and helps a lot to dispel the gloom clouds that had to be dispersed in writing about 'em. And for the writing I ask forgiveness ! I'm getting a case of nerves in this damed hospital!