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gave it to Braid, assigning him to the 22nd squadron. It looked to me as though I'd pick the 28th, my first assignment [[strikethrough]] love(?) [[/strikethrough]] but my card held the [[underline]] magic number 139 [[/underline]] and to see 139 made me dance far out of the whole Taliaferro field list of 17th, 22nd, 27th, 28th, 139th, 147th, 148th I would rather have the 139th with my old crew.
With [[underline]] that [[/underline]] settled we chased over to 104 Broad St. to the Transport Service headquarters and presented papers requesting that we be given transportation abroad. And here, with our breath coming fast anyway we about stopped breathing altogether when the nice older [[underline]] lady [[/underline]] in charge (the whole office face was mostly female, with one or two officers and N.C.Os in charge) told us we would sail Thursday! "Oh! Heavens no! Why, I haven't had any leave and I must get home to see my folks in Framingham and Ruth! Oh! Can't it be arranged to go next week, or sometime later?" - We must have presented downcast countenances for we were told to come back