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portion of the dome enjoying a little red-backed book and a choice pipeful of [[strikethrough]]tabbacco[[/strikethrough]] tobacco. At sight of me he jumped up and said, "Why Brooks you [[underline]] are[[/underline]] in it!" And I told him about it in a few words and bade him "so long."

Dean ^[[Burton]] told me to go to the dormitories and in spite of my small time I stopped to shake hands with Macafferty ^[[(the Supt.)]] and to leave verbal notes for several former mates. I showed Maxwell my old suite of rooms in D-201 - now Holman Hall-and took a picture of the President's pretty ^[[snow swept]] garden from one of the court windows. I was very pleased to see my name the first on the list of two boards announcing the chairmen of the House Committee and the chairman of the Executive Committee for each year. That seemed to remind me that although I