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following the gleam to the city.

To our advantage the coach we occupied was next to the "wagon lit" and we were not obliged to leap out ^[[of our compartment]] and run to the dining car for dinner when the time came. Our reservations for a place had been made before the departure of the train. We had the second sitting and I received a pleasant surprise when I found that the car was filled completely at a given hour and serving of food began in progression through the courses. And such food - my first intimate experience with the most wonderful cooking I ever imagined. The plates were piled one atop the other and as each course was served the pile diminished till the fruit was passed. The wine waiter - a special dignitary who proceeded to each table with a rare load of liquids, seemed to believe in common with all the French that we would sip wine with the meal. When we refused to accept any of the offering [[strikethrough]] [[??]] [[/strikethrough]] (what noble sentiment during those first few days) M.