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wine at one meal than I imagined I'd care for. I actually feel myself thriving on the fare I have received in France. Never have I eaten such variety and unexpected food as in this delightful land And thus did my mind summarize what I'd heard of the scarcity of edibles in France.

To Paris on the early part of the trip we passed through Rouen/Rouen and the valley of the Seine by daylight, getting a picture of clustering red-roofed, bricked, or plastered buildings, manufacturies, and what-not, comfortably settled in a nest between the hills in view. And soldiers of the ^[[several]] Allies were always somewhere along the route.

At Paris ^[[where we arrived at a late hour at the Gare St. Lazare,]] everything was in a mantle that was pitchy to a greater degree than ever was London or Liverpool. It ^[[seemed]] [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] as awesome as a stage setting where an evil deed is about to be perpetrated [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] ^[[or any setting in which]] the figures of the drama execute crimes in the half light, moving as phantoms. Eyes actually must grow