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meter planes. To get accustomed to the  "monets" ^[[monets or mannettes?]] (the same as our throttles for spark and gas on the steering post of our automobiles, - only these "monets" are different in that they are upright, the [[underline]] larger for air and gas control, the smaller for gas supply. [[/underline]] They require constant application of the left hand) was a [[strikethrough]] bad[[/strikethrough]] hard acquaintanceship to form, but once the [["gun"?]] had been "given" the little pumy ^[[puny]] aeroplane seemed to be lifted bodily into the air and pulled by an extensive power straight (not literally [[strikethrough]] [[quite[[/strikethrough]], of course) up into the blue. We climbed on the turns, and to make a round of the field consumed barely three minutes.
In landing the switch is thrown in the customary manner and the sharp nose-dive begins, gradually diminishing until the stick is easily pulled back, dropping the [[emperrage?]] (tail piece) so that the bus comes gently to rest on its two wheels