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more than the selfsame dangerous old "spinning nose dive" or "tail spin". Only those planes were supposed to be built for such usage so it was a case of "go-to-it-and-God-bless-you sort of an offer".
At a good 1200 meters we "stalled" the bus, waited till she fluttered, then [[underline]] kicked [[/underline]] the rudder hard and jerked the stick back. [[scribble]] and to the sides [[/scribble]] Whirling, spinning, diving, the earth a terrible turntable, the altimeter a fascinating indicator that had hard work to ^[[steadily]] record the descent with accuracy ^[[it seemed]] -- so fast was the twisting fall. A setting of the rudder in neutral, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] a slight forward pressure on the stick and a ^[[straight]] nose dive resulted, which ^[[latter] was easily quitted by pulling [[underline]] gently [[/underline]] back on the stick. Repeated, this maneouvre gave its own special little thrills - and made me want to do it some more!
The "vertical virage" and "renversements" came next. The former was simply a quick vertical bank, a pulling of the stick