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I "barreled" (just flopped over into a side slip) instead of going upside-down. The real drop came in the real side slip - not a spiral, but a straight forward slip in the vertical position- to lose height rapidly - and you do!
The execution is to bank (with a slowly "reving" motor and to give enough forward thrust on the stick to keep straight, at the same time keeping an even keel with the rudder which is now acting as an elevater. [[image: sketch of plane doing side slip]]

But my first wasn't quite the success it should have been. I gave to [[sic]] much aileron and went over on my back. It was rather uncomfortable to find myself flying upside-down, with the ground, instead of the blue sky or clouds [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] "above". At that instant, too, I conceived a great tendency to have leave the machine, and my strip did its best to pull me with the boat. And I got a cramp in my hip ......... I came out some distance below, but I lost as much height [[strikethrough]] ground [[/strikethrough]] as I wanted to and the tendency to leave the machine was sufficient unto the day

Transcription Notes:
The last line is a reference to gospel of Matthew, King James' Version: "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."