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May 22, 1918.
I spent last night at the guard house.  Coming as it does so soon after the admission of being "in wrong" at this post the above statement on the face of it seems to portend awful doings on my part.  But not quite as bad as it sounds.
I've simply been doing a turn at the guard again.  Only this time, instead of chasing rats around the Statue of Liberty and answering questions fired at me by officers (as I did back in September 1917) I carried my "artillery" in the form of side arms and did the questioning myself.  In short I was officer of the guard. 
It was an instructive and amusing incident in my present day life.  I had been kicking lately because I had not enough to occupy my mind owing to the fact that we are living in enforced idleness during these hot sunny glorious days.  To help me preserve my equanimity I suppose somebody got the idea that a ton of guard duty would be the thing.  It, and mail-censorship, served to give me plenty to do in the last two days.