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June 2nd 1918
The Huns have launched their big offensive again and in a measure have made great strides in pushing the English and French back towards Paris.  Around [[Inssares??]] the Americans have done some hard fighting and with the [[near-saving??]] of the line the outcome is still in doubt. As long as Verdun is held and its opposite [[strikethrough]] [[??]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[strategic]] point I hope the whole German army will be outflanked.
The Americans have cut their front to 8 miles and have put the fear of their power into the minds of the stolid Bosche across the way by a number of feints.  A greater number of the enemy are said to be mobilizing just behind our line but I note that it is generally believed the action will not amount to any calamity for us. The firing of barrage batteries has been terrible during the