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town as a rendezvous at a late hour in the evening.  The huge bombers (floating public squares I still call 'em because they are enormous compared to our little scouts) circled all around the air at a low altitude.
The air was [[underlined]]full[[/underlined]] of activity with flares, signal rockets, bomb bursts, the drone ^[[drone]] of the bombers in evidence at a late hour.  Heavy guns were trailing back and forth on the road in the trail of giant Regnaults and Holt tractors which drew them from their nests to the gun doctors and vice versa.
We didn't get to sleep for several hours due to the continuous bombardment of archies and heavies. The British bombing aerodrome at [[underline]] Ochey[[/underline]] was ^[[attacked but was]] not damaged materially, and Nancy was hit, [[strikethrough]] [[exasperatingly?.....?]] [[/strikethrough]]