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[[circled]] 346 [[/circled]]machine which was [[coming?]] into the field with him. When we asked what the excitement was all about he said "nothin'." But later he admitted that "those [[archies?]] had scared him "stiff".
Lt. Shoen was praising his bus and at the conclusion expressed the Fond hope that no shrapnel has punctured his fabric, "for," he said "the last archie shell did't go 'Woof' out a distance, it went [[underline]] BANG! [[/underline]] right under my tail!"
Lt. DeFrance had a motor konk when he was over the lines, he almost made the aerodrome in his forced landing but hit trees and washed out his plane, getting a few wrenches himself. His pride was mostly injured rather than his body.
Lt. Sperry, the squadron humorist [[?]], still insists that it's funny "to have a German deliberately try to kill him!"