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systems there is considerable [[strikethrough]] [[differences]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[variety]].  From the side of a rise of ground the first line German trench is nothing but a thin brown [[strikethrough]] line [[/strikethrough]] ^[[continuous mound]] across the view. On the quiet day we observed it there was no activity. The road from Pont-à-Mousson to Metz is there for whoever wants to take a walk along it. The railroad and the river ^[[Moselle]] are there and are free to anybody who desires to make the passage. The walking or swimming is not healthful however, and the train service into Germany is unfortunately withheld just now.  [[strikethrough]] [[??]] [[/strikethrough]] 
All along the roads are cleverly concealed ammunition dumps, trench systems and miles of knee high barbed wiring.  New stretches of American made railroads, and endless rows of newly skinned telegraph poles with a singing that indicates the load they bear are also part of the show.