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[[underline]] he [[/underline]] , with the doctor, and a couple others were the ones being shelled. One German piece of hate landed in a spot that the automobile had just passed beyond. The Germans are good observers and good shots all right, all right.
The Major was trying to get word about my plane and as far as he could hear one doughboy had "[[underline]] seen [[/underline]] the combat and hand't [[underline]] seen [[/underline]] the planes"! and a certain Major heard from a Lieutenant about the combat in such and such a place at such and such a time (coinciding with the actualities) - but the Major had forgotten who this Lieutenant was who [[underline]] saw two [[/underline]] planes go down apparently out of control behind the highland. So ....... with such a system of confirmation, where no report comes in of the infantry's volition and the followers weren't up to be able to report and we have to chase out ourselves to locate claims ...... how can we [[underline]] ever [[/underline]] expect a confirmation of yes! or no!!!