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of newness and neatness and dispatch in the work of erection. Each ward was in alignment with those beside it and contained its fifty neat white beds besides an operating room, sink room, kitchenette etc. The total capacity at the time of our visit was 14000 beds and the frameworks of extra shacks were ready to be assembled by the engineers to push to total to 25000 beds.

A Y.M.C.A. and a K of C. and a Red Cross, always to be found in such a group, offered a cure for that "useless" feeling acquired by self propelled convalescents. Many of the nurses were introduced around and a fine set they were. Capability spelled all over 'em and no wonder they wrote a foolish song about not wanting to get well when it's a hospital for yours.

We had a puncture on the return and while waiting for the change of wheel to be effected a couple of us wandered