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that affectionate quality of the French salute; it is generally delivered with a strained countenance and once over seems to give the executor of the sign a feeling of "well [[underline]] that's [[/underline]] over!" The British salute is [[underline]] very [[/underline]] military - and peculiar in its own right. But [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]] it, as executed by officers, is more affable than ours. Sorry to say it, but that's the way it appears to me.

The little boys, always to be found in every commune, never fail (as witness this one stopping out of many such) to try to imitate our best snap of the hand and crook of the elbow, adding on their own hook an ejaculatory ";allo-goo-dbye," or "[[underline]]c[[/underline]] igarette", or "souvenir", the last two with outstretched fist. They are likable little beggars.