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McCormick and Brooks. The two latter were recommended for a First Loots' bars and all form enthusiastically got together to manufacture a working pursuit squadron in shortest possible time.

The squadron came in with no initial equipment and it was no easy matter to get things running correctly under the ^[[hardship]] of neither supplies nor tools. But everything was working smoothly in a short time when Lieut Egbert the recipient supply officer in the army (he and [[Aud?]] would make a great team of gentlemen cooks) ^[[This is a distinct compliment as applied to a supply officer]] got on the job. Tools were banned and men set to work on the 1+ brand new 220 [[symbol- capital P with a vertical line through it]] Spad XIII's that had come to us ^[[through the 1st Air Depot at Columbey le Belles.]] Then the fun started! Whoever expects a newly delivered Spad from a war-time-factory to "toot sweet" is wrong right at the start. Aaide from the