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[[circled]] 507 [[/circled]]
[[underline]] Paris March 15th 1919 [[/underline]]
GE Wallis, HM Carroll + ARB Chaumont to Paris 12:30 to 7:00
Hotel Louvre - bon.
"Samson + Dalila" at National Opera - ran up the Avenue de l' Opera eating ham sandwich and jam tart - first since YMCA at Chaumont yesterday noon, [[underline]] and [[/underline]] such good French pastry.
Grand [[salon?]] moves are beyond words and the grand staircase more so.
[[Broke?]] into opera in second act. Who would make live that way in a thunder storm? The Samson was good, so was the high priest; Dalila was nothing more than a sweet voice - not thrilling. Coppellia (2nd act) was the main pleasure of the evening. The premiere danseuse was the most charming