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combinations of brown and tan houses, the tiny enclosed harbors, the gorgeous [[strikethrough]] sweep[[/strikethrough]] rise of the mountains up from that baby blue shore; Flowers; pink houses, wild rocky promonitories - oh, what a riot. A visit to all the principal places en route: the Monte Carlo Casino where the paintings (and one in particular of a sculpture which, like the perspective of the Pantheon, one would swear is real relief work). The roulette wheels and all the interest of such a place. The gardens in and about Monte Carlo. The [[?]] of Maraiss' palace, the Cathedral, the [[strikethrough]] Ethnological  [[/strikethrough]] Oceanographic Society Museum - but best of all the gardens and the little pathways and the warm sun and - [[underline]] that [[/underline]] isn't all, as they sing in "Everything".

The Roman tower at the top of the hill