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with [[Madern, Fonck, and Nungessen?]]
Began at 1:30 didn't finish till 6. "La Coupe enchantée", "Le Ballet ne Maronf" (most sensuous and tableauxy affair I've witnessed) and "Paillesse" were admirable.
[[underlined]]Weather did not permit us to fly to Paris.[[/underlined]]
Johnny and I had a marvelous time seeing and walking. We dined at Boeuf à la Mode, LaRues, Chateau Grill etc and took in together a merry day of sunshine and glory at the Tuileries, Louvre, La Citée, Luxembourge museum and gardens. Two happy kids and no mistake. Spring y'know.
[[line across]]
Monday:- Back at camp. Rode out from [[Paris?]] to Chaumont with Major Daris of Tank Corps -- knows lot of Tech men.
Order's to more [[strikethrough]] arriv[[/strikethrough]] ^[[are here]]. 213th and 28th out Wednesday. We and 185th out Thursday.
Storm, low clouds, wrecked hangars but got all machines to Colombey & [[Les Belles?]]
Arrived at Colombey. Depot crammed.
In barracks.