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at 5 o'clock so no wonder we thought a meal of "goldfish." potatoe, and coffee, and bread heartless - went to see the glary-eyed Wm. S.Hart in a Western-n-n-n dramah-aha.
Monday 19th.
Met Major [[Moncieff?]] in engineering office and then chased about to various places in camp and to [[Barisy-la-cote?]] to the Camp Hospital #6 for statements regarding deaths of Tabler and Russell. Made out report and a 5 PM. went out with W.H.Y Hackett, [["Hump" Breyan?]] and "Firebrand" [[Friersen?]] and took pictures of Fokkers, S.E.-5's, Camels, Nieuports, and the pile that's soon to be burned.
After dinner saw Norma Talmadge in a War Community Y.M.C.A. facial expression [[interester?]]. No! It really was good don't get me wrong = but oh what a critical audience those doughboys - 2000 of 'em - are