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Many men in civilian clothing of army age, untouched. Well dressed, "Nein!" and "Ya" got my goat. Ugly sound.

Route -- Souilly, Verdun, Etain, Spinecourt, Longuyon, Luxembourg, Thionville, Metz, Fresnes-en-Woevre, acres more desolation, devastation, and desecration, God how the earth has been gashed. What a turmoil.....

Negro troops in the desolate land. Rebuilding roads. Dud shells. A "bandaged" hillside. Piles of German helmets, shells, accoutrements. [[underlined]] Nach [[underlined]] Verdun, [[underlined]] Nach [[underlined]] [[heavily underlined]] Mars-la-Tour [[heavily underlined]] The monuments and highly [[protactiones???]] German tombstones

Thursday May 22nd

Routine up to noon. Tried an SES pusuit plane in PM. Tricky little devil. So short that it looked funny

Transcription Notes:
meant 'pursuit plane' mandc: "bandaged" is probably "barraged." "[[protactiones???]] might be ""protentious" for pretentious??