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Reimancourt, Chaumont-en-Bassigny (G.H.Q) La Trecy, Chatillon-sur-Seine, Tonnerre, Auxenas St. Fargeau, across the Loire, Aubigny, Salbris, Romorantin.

Flying time 2½ hours. Covering 250 miles. 

Borne is quite a large air depot. All kinds of junk there, along with M.T.C. stuff and crated planes.

Paris next....

Arrived 8 p.m. Room at Officers hotel at Louvre. Went over to Tech Bureau at the University Union and met Francis Swain, his brother Winthrop and Francis and I went out "boulevarding" until 11:30. More darn fun; more good-to-look-upon-femmes. Cafe de la Paix remained open till 11:00. The huge world square of Opéra, brilliant in the pinkish glow of the immense arcs was