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(Mrs Clarkson Potter)?

some slips signed for a lady [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[who was going to the old lines and]] who opportunly asked me if there was anyone I wanted her to look up since she was leaving to look out for more graves between the Argonne and the Meuse. I said, "yes" naturally, and told her about Howard Clapp, listened to her criticism of the Graves Registration Service - she said they didn't take trouble enough in putting two and two together but, well, you know -- and then I jumped a taxi and got that blankety trunk fixed up and beat it back to the Union in time to go over to the "Trois Portes" for a fine Latin Quarter meal with Capts. Chuck Loomis, Jimmie Wallis, and Ernest Bomar plus [[?the]] [[Dominie.?]]

In P.M. Jimmie and I went to

Transcription Notes:
- think what is input as "Dominie" may be a french word with accents, but cant think of what it might be.