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Alsatian towns where the women wore the large black cowed bonnets and the men were very ordinary men indeed although they appeared hugely content and passed jolly baudriage amongst the folk.

German and French were spoken 50-50 in the city but outside German seemed to be more common. The consiliatory Spirit was very evident on the part of these people for at sight of our car they would cry "Les Americains" or "DDie Amerikaner" and bow quite smilingly while the men tipped their hats.

One old gate keeper at a railway crossing was still wearing his German army uniform.

We struck one cat and one hen while old man Firebrand was driving and when Hackett took the wheel we felt better. We struck Nancy at 8:20 and

Transcription Notes:
mandc: "black cowed" is probably "black covered": "baudriage" probably should be "badinage" (humorous banter).