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69[[third digit invisible]]
of my desire to be present for the July 14th celebrations. I rushed the job to completion successfully by the 13th, however, inspecting Brest and some of its interests, and on the [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]
^[[afternoon]] of the 13th received the General's welcome assurance of his pleasure in the mission, and a last word from Colonell Garell to carry to Col[[ Lipp..?]] along with the Cadillac limousine that I could go back to Paris in if I cared to do so.

I stepped into the Limousine with the chauffeur and early the next morning we came moonlighting into Paris after a fast drive ^[[during which we took turns at the wheel.]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] On the way down ^[[to Brest]] I had passed through one day of the beautiful Breton country where everybody was haymaking. The true costumes of the