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November 12, 1934

Dear Mr. Biddle:

Will you allow me upon my return to New York to thank Mrs. Biddle and yourself for the very charming reception you gave me when I called with Mr. and Mrs. Wasserman last Sunday.

May I also take the liberty of reminding you of the very kind promise you made to inquire from your brother, Mr. George Biddle, whether he has in his possession any works of the type you showed me -- pottery, "Rooster Fighting", which I would be so pleased to have for our contemporary American decorative art exhibition, opening on the 5th of December. If his answer is in the affirmative, I would gladly get in touch with him.

With renewed thanks and looking forward at having soon, another opportunity of meeting Mrs. Biddle and yourself. Believe me to be

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligmann)

Mr. ^[[Francis]] Biddle,
Georgetown, Pa.
^[[3460 W. School Lane.]]