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October 21st., 1936.

Dear Mr. Biddle:

Our mutual friend Marion Wassarman, has been good enough to "canvass" Philadelphia in search of PICASSOs of the "blue and pink" period, which we would be able to include in the great show we are going to hold during the month of November.

I do want to thank you for your kind spirit of co-operation in granting us the loan of your drawings in black and white.  However, as interesting as it would have been (and in fact, it was my original ^[[intention]]) to join drawings to this show, we felt, after careful consideration, that it would be better to limit ourselves to oils, watercolors and gouaches.

Perhaps you might be able to tell me of a painting of that period which we could obtain.  Unfortunately we are pressed for time, as our opening will be on November 2nd.

You will certainly be interested to know that we have the full support of museums and collectors.
