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[[date stamp]] AUG 8 1932 [[/date stamp]]



Paris July 18th.1932

Dear Mr.Bradley,

I am taking the liberty of writing you this letter because we have just been offered one of the most unique pictures that has come into our hands in recent years, and for obvious reasons, I have the idea that it would very much interest you.

It is the portrait of "SERGEANT MURPHY" by Sir William Orpen. It shows the race horse with its jockey and, in the background is seen the start of the Grand National.

It is of quite important dimensions, as it measures 50" wide x 40" high and quite apart from its extreme interest to any one such as yourself, it is unique because it is the only horse picture ever painted by Sir William Orpen who, as you probably know, was one of the greatest painters of recent times.

Furthermore, besides being a great work of art, it occurs to me that it would make a very interesting acquisition for any American racehorse owner, because Sergeant Murphy was not only American-owned, but if I remember rightly, it was also either American-trained or American bred. It would also make a very acceptable gift to any club.

The picture belongs to one of our friends in London who wishes to dispose of it, and we can offer it for: [[underlined]] $ 3,500.-- (three thousand five hundred dollars)[[/underlined]].

I really consider it a rare bargain, because apart from anything else.......

E.D. Bradley,Esq.,
Palm Beach, Fl.