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March 5th, 1929.


Dear Chris,

Just to show you what a good memory I have, or rather how I try to keep up with my files, I remember your having told me that you intend returning from Florida around the 5th or 6th of March and that you were coming to New York during the first half of the month.

I sincerely hope that upon receipt of these lines you are feeling well rested and fine and that your stay in the South has been a most pleasant and successful one. As to your proposed trip to New York, I am very anxious to see you here and greet you.  In fact, I have that devilish idea to step out one night with you and believe me it won't be a party like in the'Gay Nineties'.

But besides this, I also should like to show you our house here and should like to talk over with you a few matters which we slightly discussed during my last visit in Detroit, as I intend coming out there again in April.

Would you, therefore, be good enough and drop me a few lines and tell me of your plans. Should you see Bill Krug, do not miss to remember me to him and looking forward to hearing from you soon, I meanwhile remain, with my kindest and best wishes,

Yours very sincerely,



Mr. Christian Brandt,
1916 Francis Palm Bldg.,
Detroit, Michigan.
