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March 2nd, 1936

Dear Mr. Eaton:

I thought I would let you know that we have recently acquired the famous portrait of "Lady Lovat" by Sir Thomas Lawrence. This portrait which has here-to-fore been considered the cherished heirloom of the Lovat family was painted in 1823 which was one year before Lawrence painted his famous "Master Lambton" which is in the collection of the Earl of Durham.

The painting is very important in size as it measures 40" X 50" and is very brilliant in color as "Lady Lovat" is seen wearing a bright scarlet velvet dress. Incidentally I might add that it is one of the most beautiful portraits that has ever come to this country as "Lady Lovat" was considered to be one of the great beauties of her day.

If you are at all interested I would be glad to send you a photograph of the painting in hope of hearing from you. In the meanwhile I am awaiting the favor of your reply.

Believe me to be,
Yours very truly,
(Clyfford Trevor)

Mr. R.Y. Eaton
% Eaton & Company
Toronto, Canada