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February 12th, 1942

My dear Mrs. Hare:

As we are especially interested in Seurat's paintings with a view to compiling a complete catalogue of his work, we recently communicated with Mr. Robert Kelso Cassatt and inquired whether he knew of a Seurat which we were under the impression had been bought by Miss Mary Cassatt and was still in the family's possession.

In the course of our correspondence, Mr. Cassatt mentioned your name as owner of paintings by Miss Cassatt's favorite artists such as Degas, Renoir, Toulouse-Lautrec, Manet, etc.

Please do not consider my question indiscreet, but may I ask whether you would consider parting with some of your pictures, as we have recently had requests for pictures of this school.  Whatever information you would be willing to give me on the subject would be welcome.

Thanking you beforehand for your answer,

Respectfully yours,

(Georges E. Seligmann)

Mrs. Horace B. Hare
