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September 30th, 1936

"Harper's Bazaar"
572 Madison Avenue
New York, New York

[[underlined]] Attention of Miss Lowndes [[/underlined]]

Dear Miss Lowndes:

Per our telephone conversation today, I am sending you herewith a partial list of the private collectors and institutions who are lending us pictures for our PICASSO EXHIBITION of the "Blue" and "Pink" Periods, from November 2nd - 26th.

I am also enclosing a few photographs which I think will reproduce particularly well and which are also some of the lovliest pieces in the show.  I do hope that you will be able to reproduce one or two of these in the November issue of "Harper's", possibly accompanied by a little article, as this issue would run concurrently with the exhibition.

We hope to have about twenty-five or thirty examples from American museums and private collections and these will be supplemented by many outstanding pictures from abroad.  Some of these we own and others will come from private sources.

In any event I think the exhibition is going to be one of the most outstanding of the season and from the generous response and enthusiasm shown so far, I am hoping that the public will flock to see it.  It [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] ^[[is]] with this idea that I am communicating with you because I feel that the enclosed material should be of interest to you and your readers.  Needless to say I would be deeply appreciative of anything you could do for us, and I wish to take this opportunity of thanking you most heartily in advance, in this regard.

I trust that I may have the pleasure of greeting you here for the opening on November 2nd.

Believe me to be,

Yours very sincerely,

(Robert M. Levy)

P.S. Would you please return any photographs that you do not use, as these represent important documents to us which are very hard to replace.  Thank you!