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December 4th., 1941.

My dear Mr. Harrison:

It gave me pleasure to read your note of November 27th., which arrived while I was out of town for a few days.  I hasten upon my return to propose to you a very delightful original drawing, relieved with crayon, by LAUTREC -

"Japanese Dancers at the Circus". Shown at the "Exposition Toulouse Lautrec" at the Musée des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, 1921.  The price for which is.......................... $3500.

In the line of Lithographs, I have -

"Elles". Complete set of 10 prints with title and cover.  This price being......... $1200.

About the lithographs, you being, may I say, a specialist in Lautrec, there is little more that I need add.  However, as regards the drawing, should it not be known to you I would be only too pleased to have a photograph made.

As long as we are on the topic of this artist I might say that in a very well known private collection in New York is an important oil painting by Lautrec which could be purchased and should you care to hear more about this I would gladly send you further data.

Now, to go back to drawings, may I call to your attention an artist whose name I did not mention to you in my previous letter, who is SEURAT and by whom I believe I have today the most beautiful group of drawings to be found anywhere outside of the Museum of Modern Art. I also have some very attractive drawings by Degas.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Yours very sincerely,

Carter W. Harrison, Esq.,
Parkway Hotel,
2100 Lincoln Park West,
Chicago, Ill.

(Captain Germain Séligmann)