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May 28th, 1934

Dear Betty and dear Fred:

You see what trouble I have to keep my mind off Kansas City as again you receive a note, this time, however, it is to tell you that a very good friend of mine and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. René Huyghe, are going to be in Kansas City stopping at the Kansas Citian Hotel next Saturday.  They will arrive in the morning and will leave the following day as they are on their way to Los Angeles and San Francisco.

If you have some spare time at all, I would like you very much to meet them, as you will find them a charming couple and, he is a particularly interesting man.  He is the Assistant Curator of paintings at the Louvre Museum in Paris and, in fact, goes to San Francisco for the opening of the exhibition to which the Louvre is lending a large group of paintings.

I told him he couldn't fail stopping at Kansas City where he would find, not only a
