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April 13, 1960

My dear Mr. Hausamann:

May I express the hope that you will excuse the liberty I am taking in writing to you in this vein.

I have so often heard of your remarkable collection that I would consider it a great privilege indeed to call on you.  You own, I gather, paintings of such exceptional quality that being able to admire them should give on great joy, I am certain. By the same token, I would like to have an opportunity of meeting a collector of such refined taste.

Would you allow me, therefore, to inquire whether you expect to be in Zurich towards the end of May or the beginning of June when I hope to be in Europe.

Your city is well known to me, having had so many opportunities of calling on Mr. Emil BUHRLE; and I hope that your kind answer will give me another occasion to return to Zurich.

Trusting you will not mind my taking advantage of your courtesy and thanking you in advance,

Yours very sincerely,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Alfred Hausamann
Sonnenborgastrasse 69
Zurich, Switzerland

[[margin]] ^[[Hausamann]] [[/margin]]