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April 25th, 1932.

Dear Dr. Nef:

I sincerely enjoyed our luncheon the other day, and reach for"pen and ink" in sending you these few lines, as I am afraid I shall not be able to see you before my departure in order to personally bid you and Mrs. Nef "good-bye".

So many things crop up in the last minute, as you probably know from your own experience, and beside this we have just opened an important exhibition of paintings by Murray Hoffman, that I do not know what to do first. 

However, I am looking forward to seeing you in Paris when you come through, and I hope you will reserve and evening for me. If you only would be good enough to write me a little in advance the date of your arrival, I could then make any plans ahead.

Meanwhile, all the very best of luck to you and kindest regards, my compliments to Mrs. Nef.

Always sincerely,

Dr. Victor Nef, 
468 Fourth Avenue,
New York City. 

(Rolf B. Waegen)

P.S. I just received a long letter from Louis Suter, reporting his safe return to the home-fires, and apparently in very good spirits.  

^[[signature ]]