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February 27th, 1936

Dear Mrs. Neilson:

Although I have not seen you for a long time, with the exception of the glimpse I caught of you one evening at the Savoy Hotel in London last summer, I thought I would let you know that we have just acquired the famous portrait of Lady Lovat by Sir Thomas Lawrence.

This portrait was painted in 1823, the year before Lawrence painted his famous "Master Lambton", which, as you probably know, is the chef-d'oeuvre of the Earl of Durham's collection. It is particularly brilliant in color, as Lady Lovat is seen wearing a bright velvet dress and although it is fully recorded, the family would never allow it to be reproduced nor exhibited. Lady Lovat was looked upon as being one of the great beauties of her day and the portrait was painted the year of her marriage.

It is such a superlatively fine painting from every point of view that we hope one day to see it in a museum, where it could be fully enjoyed by the public.
Anyhow, if you are at all interested in it, I would be very pleased to send you a photograph of it upon hearing from you.

In the meanwhile, trusting Mr. Neilson and yourself are well, and with my kindest regards,

Believe me to be,

Yours sincerely,

(Clyfford Trevor)

Mrs. Francis Neilson
4800 Drexel Boulevard
Chicago, Illinois